Serundang is an Indonesian spice and coconut mixture, often used as a side dish or garnish to accompany rice. This version is my favorite iteration, using sliced almonds for extra crunch. I use it on salads, with chicken, or eat it plain as a snack.
SERUNDANG Yield: 15 portions Ingredients Amounts
Butter 2 Tbsp.
Coconut 1 cup
Brown sugar 2 Tbsp.
Almonds, sliced 1 cup
Garlic, minced 1 tsp.
Coriander, ground 1 tsp.
Turmeric ½ tsp.
Cumin, ground 1 tsp.
Salt 2 tsp.
Cayenne pepper ⅓ tsp.
Method: Melt the butter and pour over the coconut, almonds, and spices. Bake at 300°F until the coconut is a deep golden brown and the almonds likewise have begun to brown. Stirring this mixture once or twice will facilitate even browning. Cool and store sealed in a clean air tight container.
Recipe c/o The Culinary Institute of America, Greystone (for Almond Board of California)