Since arriving in Italy yesterday, things have been a wonderful whirlwind of moving in and getting settled. There is quite a bit of paperwork to do to merit a full year stay, and typical of a first day in any new environment, we were inundated with names, faces and loads of information. Exciting for us, all that information was about UNISG, Slow Food and the wonderful students and professors we will get to know!
Our concentration consists of nearly 30 students from all over the world (only five of us are American) and from backgrounds in everything from law/nutrition/photography/marketing/cooking school/health/journalism and on from there! It was wonderful to learn a little bit about everyone today and I could not be more excited to be immersed in my passion with other people who love what I love and have a completely different view and background. We also got to meet the Master’s students from the concentration that has already been in Pollenzo since June, and there are undergraduate students milling around the beautiful campus throughout the day as well!
I’ll post soon about our expansive apartment (a welcome surprise coming from NYC), my three wonderful roommates, and my experiences thus far communicating in what I will call Spanglitaliano —– Spanish + English + non-existent Italian…?
Side note: It’s officially Thanksgiving in this time zone…Happy Turkey Day, Americans! Eat lots of delicious-ness for me 🙂